So what does a full time writer do all day? Run errands apparently. Wait for agents to respond to query letters. Read. Sleep. Yes, I’ve been pondering what to write next, but haven’t taken the leap to a new project. Probably won’t for a little while — I figure I should concentrate on the new job for a bit.

Anyways, there’s big news in our household this week! My fantabulously amazing boyfriend, JP, has had some awesome writer news. First, he had a piece accepted by Six Sentences, then he learned that flashquake bought another of his stories, and the biggest news of all is that he sold a story to Ideomancer! He is a true testament to perseverance and I could not be more excited for him!! I can’t wait until the rest of y’all can read more of his stuff and see what a fantastic writer he is. Truly, the man is phenomenal! Yay!!!!!

I have all sorts of things I want to blog about, but Blogger is lagging so badly I can’t stand it (I type like 2 sentences ahead of what is appearing on the screen – grrrr!). So instead I’m going to go back to bed and read — ahh the life of a fill time writer 🙂