Last week I mentioned that MTV (!!!!) posted a fantastic review of The Forest of Hands and Teeth and mentioned that they’d be following up with a “who would you cast in the movie” post.  Here it is!  They lead off by asking whether Kristen Stewart should play the lead role of Mary.

As I told Sabrina Rojas Weiss, I’m pretty terrible at trying to figure out who I’d cast in the movie versions of my books.  One reason is that I never really see the characters that clearly as people, and the other (contradictory) reason is that what I do see I have a hard time equivocating on.  So I know all these traits about my characters and then when I try to pair them up with an actor or actress, there’s never someone exactly dead on.

That’s one reason I was so stunned when I first saw the cover of The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  She’s a fantastic Mary.  Maybe not exactly what I saw in my head, but I can very much see her being Mary.  I feel the same way about Kristen Stewart — I’d love to see what she could do!!

And of course as y’all know, I love to day dream 🙂  So who would you cast in the movie version of The Forest of Hands and Teeth?  Do you agree or disagree with who MTV chose?