Regular visitors here (ahem) will notice a trend here. I’ve taken to posting my weekend goals. Makes me sit and think about what needs to be done and gives me some accountability. Plus, it feels good to check off that list!

So, without further ado… my weekend goals:

  1. revise… revise…. revise. I’ve revised the first third. The second third has some BIG changes. That’s what I hope to tackle this weekend…
  2. clean house (yipes!)
  3. find suit in back of closet to wear to court on Monday. Hope said suit does not need dry cleaning. Buy new suit if needed.
  4. tomato plants – uh, get them and bury them. I mean plant them. I guess…
  5. walk the dog… walk the dog… walk the dog…
  6. oh, and grocery shopping.
  7. blog. Yeah, I owe y’all some real content.

So, not a bad list. Totally tackleable so long as I don’t sleep the weekend away. As I am wont to do.

What are y’all’s weekend plans?