Hey Y’all!

Don’t forget to comment on yesterday’s blog to be entered in a chance to win one of two personalized autographed copy of Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell!

First up, interviews!  I had the best time answering questions for Jen Hayley (interview here) and Chandler Craig (interview here).  Thanks ladies for hosting me and for giving me the chance to relive some of the awesome moments I’ve experienced over the past year.  If anyone have questions, post them in the comments on their pages and I’ll keep checking in!  And I highly recommend both of their blogs — I love them!

Second, I have news!  Lots of fun news (to me at least – lol)!  Here it is in list form:

1.  Because the in-house launch for Book 2 was yesterday, I am now free to announce the title of my next book!  Drumroll please…. the second book set in the Forest of Hands and Teeth world is called:


What do you think?  Hopefully I’ll have a cover to share soon (and I use the publishing world definition of soon).  I’m really really excited about this book!  It’s crazy to think back on this time last year — getting my first cover, wondering what was going on behind the scenes.  And that book still isn’t even out yet!

2.  The Forest of Hands and Teeth is #4 on the Spring 2009 Children’s Indie Next List!  This has me super excited because this is a list created by indie booksellers based on their reviews and recommendations.

3.  I *just this minute* got word that UK rights to both The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Dead-Tossed Waves have sold!  Both will be coming out from Gollancz, though I don’t know when!  Yay!!

4.  What do, Diana Peterfreund, Holly Black, Cassie Clare, Ally Carter, Robin Wasserman, Sarah Cross, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Maureen Johnson, Sarah Rees Brennan and I all have in common?  We’re all going to a castle in Ireland in March to write (and play)!  I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about this!  I’ve been perusing zappos.com for galoshes and everything.  Really, is there anything more appropriate for a post-apocalypse writer than wearing hot pink and heart rain boots?  I think not!

5.  Finally, how do y’all like the new digs (all you folks reading this via flist, I updated my blog and LJ to match my website).  I have to admit, I love tinkering with the layout of my blog and LJ — I seriously could do that all day.  But thankfully my fabulous web designer picked out the colors and set it all up so all I had to do was match the LJ (and not have to worry about colors which I’m frankly not good at).

So I think that’s all the news for now!  In the coming days I plan to post a recap of some reviews I’ve been getting for FHT and to post details on a giveaway of an FHT ARC!  Stay tuned!