Hey y’all!  Just wanted to let you in on a few upcoming events:

Thursday, October 21 at 4:30 PM
Kinston, NC
I’ll be speaking at the Kinston-Lenior Public Library.  You can find more information here.

Friday, October 29 at 6:00 PM
New York, NY
The Princeton Club, 15 West 43rd Street
I’ll be speaking at the Williams Club and reading from The Dark and Hollow Places (the first sneak peek!) and signing afterward.  T
here should be books for sale after the event!   The event is free but reservations are required — you can email eventsATprincetonclub.com or call 212.596.1261 to reserve.  See below for more details!

click to view full size

Saturday, October 30
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Geeks Gala
I’ll be the guest judge for the Geeks Got Talent contest!  There is a cost for admission and all proceeds go to Youth Homes, an organization dedicated to providing supportive human services to children and families.  For more information about the event, click here.  This is going to be a super fun gala and I can’t wait to see y’all there!!

To learn more about the Charlotte Geeks, the Gala and to see me on TV, click here!  I have to admit, I was SUPER NERVOUS about the whole experience until I realized that I just had to sit there and the head of the Charlotte Geeks, Joey, was the one to do all the talking.  She did a brilliant job!  Also, she organized to have some zombies, some trekkers, Bat Girl and someone dressed up in an awesome steampunk outfit.  Joey totally outdid herself — she rocks!