Hey Y’all!  I had an AMAZING time up in NYC and I can’t wait to tell you more about it… but my first pass pages for The Dead-Tossed Waves are due today which means I’ll have to wait until tomorrow or Weds before I fill you in on all the details of my trip 🙂

But I did want to tell y’all about a few events I have this week for Teen Read Week!  Tomorrow I’m doing two visits to the Freedom Regional Library, but I’m not sure those are open to the public.  The other two events definitely are open to the public and I’d love to see you there!

What: Discussion and signing for Teen Read Week
Where: Davidson Branch of the PLCMC
When: Friday October 23, 6pm-8pm

What: Discussion and signing for Teen Read Week
Where: University City Branch of the PLCMC
When: Saturday October 24, 3pm-5pm

I’m really looking forward to these!  And here’s my question for y’all as I’m putting together my program.  Usually I’ve spoken to groups who’ve read The Forest of Hands and Teeth already and I’m fairly certain that some of these groups won’t have.  What do you like to see in an author presentation (if you’ve read their book or if you haven’t?). Thanks!!