Just wanted to let y’all know about some upcoming events! Hope to see y’all there!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
YALLFest Book Festival in Charleston, SC
Blue Bicycle Books, 420 Kings Street
Join 60 of the country’s top YA authors, including 25 New York Times bestsellers for panels, presentations and signings on three stages on Upper King Street, as well as the infamous YA Smackdown! Click here for more info!
Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 2:00pm
Park Road Books, Charlotte, NC
Join JP and I as we celebrate the launch of The Map to Everywhere! For more info, click here.
UPCOMING in 2015 (subject to change):
May 15-16: South Carolina Book Festival
1:15 p.m. Young Adult
Carrie Ryan: Dead-Tossed Waves, Forest of Hands & Teeth
Karon Luddy: SpelldownJoyce Hostetter: Comfort, Blue, Healing Waterils to come.
click to view full size
I’ll be the guest judge for the Geeks Got Talent contest! There is a cost for admission and all proceeds go to Youth Homes, an organization dedicated to providing supportive human services to children and families. For more information about the event, click here. This is going to be a super fun gala and I can’t wait to see y’all there!!
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click image to make bigger so you can read all the fun details!
Come celebrate Teen Read week with me! The theme this year is “It Came From the Library” and what better way to celebrate than with all things zombie? Here’s the official description and poster for the event (click poster for larger version):
Zombies love prom almost as much as brains! Help us celebrate Teen Read Month with a zombie costume and walk-off contest, an apocalypse survival box challenge, zombie peg doll crafts, and a zombie prom photo station! Carrie Ryan, New York Times bestselling author of zombie series The Forest of Hands and Teeth, will be on hand to dish about zombies, writing and her novels. A book signing will follow.
Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 3pm
City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, NC
Signing and discussion with me, Beth Revis, and Megan Shepherd!
More info here!
Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 2pm
Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston, TX
Signing and discussion with me, Beth Revis, and Victoria Schwab!
More info here!
Friday, August 2, 2013 at 7pm
Birkdale Barnes & Noble in Huntersville (outside of Charlotte)
Signing and discussion with me, Beth Revis, and Aprilynne Pike!
More info here!
Less Than Three anti-bullying conference, October 19, 2013
NINC Conference, October 24-27, 2013
YALLFest, November 9, 2013
January 17-19, 2014
Williamsburg, VA
MarsCon Guest of Honor
Monday, March 3, 2014
Charlotte, NC
Celebration of Read Across America Day at Whitewater Academy
Wednesday, March 26
Kennesay, GA
Kennesaw State University Conference on Literature for Children and YA.
More info here.
Saturday May 3, 2014
Concord, NC
Presentation to the Carolina Romance Writers.
More info here!
May 14-17, 2014
RT Booklovers Convention – New Orleans
SIGNING: Saturday, May 17, 11:00-2:00: Giant Book Fair, YA Alley (more info here)
Here’s my panel schedule (also available here):
Wed, May 14, 2:30-3:30: eBooks in Bookstores/Libraries: New Opportunities for Success
Friday, May 16, 1:30-2:30: YA: “What a Wonderful World”: YA High Fantasy
Friday, May 16, 2:45-3:45: YA: “Take a Chance on Me”: Money Matters
Saturday, May 17, 5:00-6:00: “Stone Crazy”: Liars Panel
May 30-June 1, 2014
ConCarolinas – Charlotte, NC
With Guest of Honor George RR Martin!
More information here.
June 29, 2014, 3-4PM
ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas
My co-writer (and husband) JP and I will be attending the ALA conference in Las Vegas! We’ll be signing galleys for the first book in our middle grade fantasy adventure series, THE MAP TO EVERYWHERE in the Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Booth (Booth #422) on Sunday from 3-4PM! Come grab an ARC and say hi!
For more details, click here!
Friday, October 3, 2014 at 7:00PM
Qual Ridge Books: 3522 Wade Ave., Raleigh, NC 27607
I’ll be interviewing Kami Garcia about her latest release, answering questions, and signing!
For more details, click here!
September 19-21: SCBWI-C Annual Conference
October 9-11: NC SLMA Conference, Winston Salem, NC
Spartanburg is about 3 hours from me but I dont have to work that day. Maybe I will make a day of it, have to check the budget
Come to Teeeexas! (specifically Dallas) kthxbai 😉
Seriously, I'm definitely looking up this Not Conference Conference thing.
oooh…you're coming to Orlando! I'll be looking for more details!
please come to delaware (like wilmington or near christiana mall) or philidaphia. i love the forest of hands & teeth (i started,cryin wen travis died) and i just finned the dead tossed waves 2 mins ago. so good. knt wait 4 nxxt book!
Please come to Portland Oregon
plzz come to Bismarck, ND
OMG i just finished reading your first book! gahh sooooo amazing! but why you gotta leave me with that ending! its driving me crazy! so many questions! bleeH! lol what ever you do please..no bella swan for this movie….pick someone thats going to be a perfect role for mary..that really truely fits her. gotta love bella but sehs too dull for mary..i mean mary is kind of a downer at times..but passion..sorry i shudnt like say what u shud do cuz it is your book and is only my opinion but! passion…someone that can make you feel her emotions swim through your whole body kind of person..anyway…just thought id hopefully have you read my comment
You should definatly consider adding Tulsa, OK, to your book tour. I bought Dead Tossed Waves for myself and my husband made me wait until Christmas to read it. Boys are stupid like that!
PLease please please come to Canada! Maybe even British Columbia, or Vancouver Island? At the very least Vancouver… 🙂
I love your books, (including Bougainvillea, my favourite of Zombies VS Unicorns. Counting the days til Dark and Hollow Places is released!
come to middletown,rhode island
It would be soo amazing if she brought her tour to Canada *sigh*
I would love it is you could come to Kansas Carrie! I love your books, I read The Forest of Hands and Teeth a month after it was released, and since read, and reread it about 15 times, I am still trying to find The Dead-Tossed Waves in a bookstore but I did recently find The Dark and Hollow Places! If you do find your way to Kansas City soon, I will so be there!
I just thought I might add, I finally found that second book, have already read the entire set twice now! I love these Books Carrie! I hope you come by Kansas sometime soon!!!
I'm 35 year old guy bored picked up forest of hands and teeth I know I'm not target audience but loved it already read the dead tossed waves and am currently reading dark and hollow places please come to indiana I would love to get one sighned
Dude I'm a 14 year old girl who hates to read but this book was really emotional and I felt as if I was Mary As if I could feel her Pain I LOVED YOUR BOOK SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH !. I only wish it would continue on about Mary..because the other books are about other people like Anna? i think , You should write more books about her I'd be Awesome and nice of Yu & I'd Love Yu sooooooooooooooooooooooooo Much for it. Lol. Anywho ,and if possible come to Utah, Salt Lake city ! PLEASE………………PLEASE………….. Thanks to Yu I Now know what I wanna be , I want to be as good of a writer like yu but I'm sure that won't be possible. Because Idk i quess im just not that creative as yu .
Okay ima 15 year old girl,& I absolute use to hate reading. But because of the books, I love to read. they really need to make a movie out of the last book. Alot of people agreed, & said its amazing. The romance… catcher sounds amazing, just PLEASE MAKE THE MOVIESSSS!!!(:
Hey, I just wanted to thank you for writing such an amazing book series! I love what you do and can't wait for the next thing you have to show us!! Have some happy holidays!
Sincerely-a fan
Carrie, you should come to Cleveland, Oh. I am a big fan of your books. It would be a pleasure if you came or come to Barnes and nobles in the Eden shopping center in woodmere OH. That would be Great thanks.