I’m super excited that this weekend I’ll be attending and talking at the 2009 North Carolina Literary Festival!  I’d love for y’all to come out and say hi!

WHAT:  2009 North Carolina Literary Festival
WHEN:  September 10-13 — I’ll be talking on Saturday, September 12th at 3:50pm
WHERE:  UNC Chapel Hill campus — my talk will be at the Children’s Stage

I’ll be talking about how I came up with the idea and world of The Forest of Hands and Teeth, reading a bit from that and also probably a little from The Dead-Tossed Waves and maaaybe even a small snippet from my work-in-progress (book 3) if there’s time.  I’ll also be answering questions and signing books afterward.

This is my first literary festival ever and so of course I’m a little nervous.  I’d love to have some friendly faces there!