I read a review of my book the other day that found it “strangely similar” to another book that came out six months before mine. I have another friend who got a similar review — comparing her book to another one that came out six months before hers (and in that one flat out accusing her of writing a “knock-off”). And another friend who’s asked if she wrote about unicorns in her books to escape the current trend of “vampire, faeries, and zombies.”

This got me thinking — being surrounded by writers and the writing industry there’s a lot that I take for granted about how things work. And I suspect that most of my readers know all of this too, but I figured there’s no harm in writing up a short little post talking about how long this process really takes.

I know the exact moment I got the idea for The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Sure JP, my fiance, and I had been talking about a forest filled with zombies but I hadn’t really planned about writing anything in that world. It was more of a thought exercise more than anything else because I’d become obsessed with zombies after he took me to the opening night of the Dawn of the Dead remake.

Anyway, on my way home from work one night a first line popped into my head and I emailed it to myself. It was Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 7:38PM. The subject line was “Meh” and the email said only: “My mother used to tell me about the ocean. She said there was a place where there was nothing but water”

Funny to see how during the whole process, that never changed! So yeah, my idea for a zombie book came late in 2006 and believe me, there was no zombie trend at the time. Trust me, I love zombies and had been scrambling for a long time to get my hands on any book or movie I could (as I’ve mentioned before, I was actually convinced FHT would never sell simply because it had zombies and who would want a book like that?).

So the long and short of the timeline is this:

November 2006: Start writing rough draft of FHT
April-ish 2007: Finish rough draft, start revising
August 2007: Start querying
September 2007: Sign with Jim McCarthy, my agent
October 2007: Sell FHT
January 2008: Final draft of FHT approved and sent to copy-editing
June 2008: ARCs arrive (and start getting mailed out)
March 10, 2009: FHT release date

Time from start of FHT until the book hit the shelves? 859 days or 2 years, 4 months, 8 days.

It’s a long process (and I know that Diana began the preliminaries of working on her unicorn book in 2005). I’ve always been amazed by the synergy of the writing world. How we can go from almost no zombie YA books to a shelf of them in a year because that means that there were quite a few authors out there two years ago who almost all in a vacuum decided “hey, I’ll write about zombies!” It’s like how I know of about 5 authors out there — none of them connected in any way — writing about mermaids/sirens. It feels like there’s this sudden zeitgeist where people are similarly inspired. And it’s not just in writing that this happens — huge discoveries in our world happen the same way. It’s pretty amazing!