You know, sometimes it’s really easy to to get comfortable with the idea that I’m about to have a book out tomorrow.   It’s easy to make a to-do list that includes things like “buy ‘signed by the author’ stickers,” or “buy autographing pen,” or “fill out interview questions.”  Of course there are thrilling moments: when I hear about great news like foreign rights sales, when a read a good review or when I get to say “I’m an author” when someone asks what I do (I never know what to say to that and usually end up mumbling something like “I write.”)  But so much of it is the day to day details of it when it’s just easy to be comfortable.

But then there are these flashes of moments when I shift out of my world and I realize “OMG this is all real.”  This — the book — it’s happening.  The dream I’ve had for forever, it’s coming true.  There are times I still feel like it can’t be true.  That it’s not really happening or is happening to someone else.
I just can’t believe how lucky I’ve been.  How amazing this all is.  How unbelievably incredibly indescribable things are.
I just had one of those moments and had to share 🙂