First of all, I really can’t thank y’all enough for all of your congrats – you really made reaching THE END feel that much more special! And I’m sorry for not blogging more often – I’m gearing up for a very large trial next month and that tends to suck a ton of time.

Right now I’m in the process of revising my WIP… really, I don’t think it should take this long for someone to read their own book. But I’ve gotten bored and other people have sent me their ARCs that I couldn’t resist! My goal is to finish reading through the WIP and make the corrections on the computer by the end of the work week. Then this weekend my goal is to write all the new scenes, plot it all out on a plotting board, and get ‘er ready to send out to beta readers! Go me!

So this weekend, as we were walking the dog, The Boy turned to me and said, “What’s next?”

Good question. And, fortunately, one I’ve been pondering. My WIP is actually the first of a trilogy. Not that it can’t stand alone – it totally can. It’s a very lose trilogy (and yes, I do know I owe y’all another post on series…). But I don’t want to invest in Book 2 of the trilogy until I know that the first one would… well… sell. No need for a follow-up if there’s nothing to follow up. I could always start it, get a partial together just in case… but… eh.

At the same time, I’m a huge believer that once one project leaves the door, it’s time to start on the next. So if I’m not starting on Book 2 of the trilogy, then what? This leads to a pretty complicated series of thoughts… my WIP is VERY different from what I’ve written in the past. It’s dark. It’s paranormal. It’s YA. It’s not really where I ever would have seen myself – but I love it.

Which leads me to a question that I come round to every now and again: how do I want to brand myself? Do I want to keep writing darker, speculative fiction YA? Do I want to go back to the lighter stuff – the chick lit YA? Or do I want to go back to straight romance where it all began?

Unfortunately, I don’t see myself ever going back to straight romance. I hardly even read straight romance any more. I can’t put my finger on it… but something has just changed in me as a reader and writer. Realizing this makes me a little sad because I’ve always dreamed of being a romance writer.

But at the same time, it gets me all excited too. Because I’m now in love with YA (young adult). I know that scads of authors are dipping their toes in the YA pool, and I really really hope we don’t see a market correction like we did with chick lit. But I think it’s awesome that all of this attention is focused on the next generation of readers. I remember so well all of the nights I stayed up late reading as a kid/teen. I swear that I learned to speed read because of Christopher Pike. To think that I could count myself as part of that tradition – that my writing could cause that same sense of excitement (getting a little ahead of myself here…)

One of the things I think I like most about YA is that there don’t seem to be as many rules. So much of writing and storytelling is new to these readers. They don’t know “trite” like adults do. They aren’t tired of the same old same old. The don’t say “well this book has X so it doesn’t fit in Y genre” or vice versa. It just seems like the strict lines that adults place on their own genres is so blurred in the YA world.

I feel like as I ponder my next book that I could write anything – the world is wide open! And that’s a pretty cool feeling.

So what do y’all think? Think YA is going the way of chick lit? Think there are rules that I’m just blind to? Any thoughts on branding as an author?