Hey Y’all! Only 33 days until The Dead-Tossed Waves releases – yipes! Yesterday Publishers Marketplace reviewed it saying that “readers are sure to be hooked” and talking about the book’s “gripping storytelling style and engaging prose.” WAHOO!! Booklist also said that “Ryan knows how to write an action scene,” and called the final pages “especially thrilling.” Publishers Weekly also mentioned The Forest of Hands and Teeth & The Dead-Tossed Waves in an article about the rise in popularity of post-apocalyptic and dystopic fiction. Diana Peterfreund has a great post on that subject that I hope to respond to soon (go read it here!).

So, in honor of my book coming out in only 33 days I thought I’d link to a slightly longer excerpt than I posted before. Here it is! If you want to read the whole first chapter, it’s printed in the back of The Forest of Hands and Teeth paperback that went on sale last week (it’s hopefully available most places, including Walmart).
Last week I also posted information on how to pre-order a signed copy of The Dead-Tossed Waves — here’s a link to that information again.
In other news, I turned in my short story for an anthology on Sunday night (literally at midnight on the dot so I squeaked by just under the deadline). I’m really excited about the three short stories I have coming out in 2010 and I’m not sure when I can start giving more details. I’m sure some of y’all have already seen hints of one of them here (*cough*vote team zombie*cough*). Seriously, who in the world is showing all this unicorn love?!
Am off to play with my new secret project – so much fun to have a new secret project again!!