All this week authors are posting their successful query letters on fangs_fur_fey. I posted mine here. I have a love/hate relationship with query letters. On the one hand, now that I’m done writing them, I love them. I love to see how people boil their story down. I love to see what kinds of stories people are coming up with. I love to see how someone can take a pretty formulaic medium and use it to make us want to ask for more. On the other hand, I hated having to boil my story down — I couldn’t figure out what was important and what wouldn’t. I hated having to try to read an agent’s mind as to what they wanted. I hated the terror that I wouldn’t be adequately representing my book and that the premise the agent was rejecting was not the premise of my book at all. Also, I was afraid I’d get rejected for something as stupid as saying “thank you” in my letter to an agent that didn’t like to be thanked.

That’s one reason that I’ve always been fascinated by query letters that worked. To see how others have gone about the process. Which is why I think it’s so cool that so many authors are willing to share theirs now. So feel free to stop by, comment, and ask questions.