I feel like I should have a sound file of crickets chirping for when this page loads since I haven’t been around in a while.  I promise to get back to regular blogging… I just have this issue of my deadline to contend with first.  What’s funny is that I have a ton of blogs in my head – it’s what I tend to think about when I fall asleep at night.  If only I could direct wire my brain to my laptop…

I had a fantastic time in NYC an amazing series of school visits with my local library system, a very happy (though damp) Halloween and I just need to upload pics so I can share them.  I promise… soon!

I’m super excited about this week because it’s the AASL Pit Stop in my hometown (at the Charlotte Convention Center) and I’ll be signing at table 10 from 12:45-2:15 and then will be signings at the Follett Library Resources Booth from 3:30-4:30.  But this also means that a TON of friends are coming to town and I’m just stoked to see them all!

It’s also the beginning of NaNo – yay!  I’m not officially entering because I already have a WIP but I’ll still be churning out words with the rest of you.  I have a special fondness for NaNo since that’s when I started writing The Forest of Hands and Teeth back in 2006.

Speaking of NaNo and writing… I have much of that to do today so I must get back to it.  Happy writing all!