Thank goodness JP was on mail duty tonight! I didn’t notice anything when I came home from work but JP saw a bright pink box on our porch as he pulled in. One look at the box and he was pretty sure it was for me without having to read the label.
Flowers! How cool is that? And utterly unexpected! I checked the return address, but it told me nothing! I opened the box to find….Gorgeous — stunning!! — roses. Two dozen of them! And they’re just amazingly beautiful. In fact, looking at the colors my first thought was “I want that for my wedding!” I was just overwhelmed with how beautiful they were, especially since it’s been so dreary outside recently (I live in the South for a reason — where’s my spring???)And then I read the card — a congratulations from my editor Krista and the folks at Random House Children’s Books. Seriously, I felt teary. I thought maybe they came from my mom or my sister, but to have my editor send them just leaves me speechless. All I can say is a huge thanks to Krista and everyone else who’s just made so many of my dreams come true this year! I write for the best house ever!
I could just sit here and stare and sniff all night!!
Yum!!! How wonderful! They are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the pics to cheer us all up from our dreary winter. As I read this it is 24 degrees out. Uh, I live in Atlanta everyone. That’s right – Atlanta GEORGIA.
Go Random House!
Awww! That’s awesome!!! And those flowers are gorgeous.
That is really cool and the flowers are beautiful!
how come your editor never sends me any flowers?
Seems as though your editor and publisher have good taste in both flowers *and* authors! 🙂
Oh, wow. That’s amazing. So sweet! And the roses are gorgeous. Congratulations on having such a wonderful editor.