Not me, The Boy. But close enough! I’ve mentioned before that The Boy is a writer in his own right. You can find some of his stuff here. He’s very modest about his talent but let me tell you, he is amazing. His first finsished story, The Deserts of Vast Eternity, made me cry when I read it. And it was about the fifth time I’d read the thing. I can’t wait until that story becomes well known so that y’all will know what I’m talking about. It is such a beautiful tale. The story he sold, Halloween Night was one he shot out one day on a lark – isn’t it amazing how these things work out?

Anyway, rather than use my own words to describe his sale, here it is in his own words from his site:

GOOOOAAAAALLLL!!!!!Today I made my first ever fiction sale, a totally non-Gtame related short-story entitled “Halloween Night,” to Shimmer Magazine. If you haven’t heard of Shimmer, check it out, it’s really a great magazine full of awesome new speculative fiction: More details as the story gets closer to publication.

I can’t wait to see him in print! Wohoo for dreams coming true!!!

(p.s. that picture that he used is one of our two cats… the one that doesn’t help me write…)