You ever have those days when the writing bug is wriggling around in your tummy and all you want to do is work on something, anything? That burning need to write, to be writing, to have written?

It’s been a while since I felt that excitement, that tingling. In fact, while I was polishing my partial I was starting to wonder if I wanted it enough. I kept reading about people who’ve taken 3 foster kids into their already hectic house, but who still write. People who write 20 pages on a daily basis. People who are writing or editing like mad mad mad. People who wouldn’t let pesky things like having to move, repair a house, critique others, sleep and work get in the way.

But today I got that feeling, that wonderful life-is-great-I-can-do-this feeling. I think what brought it back was a phone call from my sister at 11pm last night. She’d just finished reading my partial and she loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. She’s who I think of as my reader – she’s my target. And she knows what she’s talking about and would tell it to me straight if it sucked. I’m sure my whole family was afraid to read my partial (I know I would have been if the roles were reversed). What would happen if it sucked? If they had to tell me so?

Questions that will hopefully go unanswered 🙂 I know you’re supposed to find that spark within, that you shouldn’t rely on what other people say or think or whatever. But sometimes a little validation can go a loooong way.

Now to finish writing the book 🙂

And thanks to all those blogs out there that share that same feeling of the writing bug. When I’m trapped at work in the morning and can’t write it’s nice to live vicariously!