So, let’s not talk too much about those goals and what I’ve accomplished. Let’s just say there were naps and it was a good weekend and boy do I still have some work to do!

Anyways, I was just about to update my profile to add my first book read in 2008 (it’s over there in the right sidebar) and I realized that I have yet to toot my own horn for reaching my goal of reading 52 books in 2007! Hurrah! I have to say, I really enjoy keeping a list of all the books I’ve read, it’s so interesting to see my habits. Of course, I would say that about 80% of what I read these days is driven by my being a writer — I read YAs not only because I love them, but also to keep tabs on the market. I also used to read a lot of books of authors whose agents I was interested in; now I read the books by my agent and editor’s authors. I still read a lot of friends’ books and books recommended by my friends. Then there’s the odd book that my mom or sister suggests, something different when I’m feeling like none of my current books on the TBR pile will do. This year I started reading graphic novels and am really enjoying them, though I haven’t branched too far into that field.

Anywho, kinda cool to take a trip down memory lane with that list. And unfortunately, I know I’ve missed a book or two because I’m pretty slack about updating that part of my blog. And usually when I do update I have to scramble around the house (normally the pile on the floor next to my bed) to see what’s there. It’s sad and ironic, but I have a terrible memory for most books — often I can’t even remember what I’ve read. In fact, I was looking at a list of the classics, bemoaning how few I’d read when suddenly I started to get vague memories from high school and college — turns out I’d read tons of those books, just could barely remember! So very sad.

I’ve heard many people say that in order to be a good writer you have to read. I know that reading has helped me tremendously — the pacing of plot, how much backstory to drop and when, POV, structure. These are things I feel like I absorb from reading. At the same time, because I pretty much limited myself to romance (and classics, apparently) growing up, I feel like I’m missing some things — big group inter dynamics and journeying that you get from Fantasy, the tension you get from Horror, the details from SciFi. I know I should branch out more and I’m getting there. I know C.L. Wilson’s books are shelved romance, but to me they’re very fantasy and I loved them — and learned.

Anyway, I started this challenge two years ago because Diana was writing down the books she read and I think she challenged us to read 52 books a year. I’m sure I’d read just as much anyway, but it’s still a great goal and one I’m going to stick to!

So here’s to another 52 books in 2008 — who’s with me?