Hey y’all!  I’ve started to get some emails requesting advanced reader copies (ARCs) for The Dark and Hollow Places.  How stoked am I that people are already looking forward to it?  Wahooo!!  Thanks y’all!!  I just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that (a) there aren’t any ARCs yet (I’m still revising); (b) when there are ARCs you’ll know it because I’ll be jumping up and down on the blog and posting pics; and (c) I very likely won’t have any ARCs to give away.  I tend to only get a handful and my family has already called dibs (seriously, my brother-in-law cornered my mom yesterday thinking she might have a draft on her kindle (she doesn’t — if she did my sister would kill me)).

Have I mentioned how much I love my family and how excited I am that people are excited about The Dark and Hollow Places?  YAY!

Me and Appa got some revising to do

Anyway, if you’d like to review The Dark and Hollow Places you should contact my publicists directly and their information is under the contact tab on my website (under Publicity down in the middle of the page).  They’ll be the ones with the ARCs (when there actually are ARCs).

(also, I might point out that when I was copying the link to my website above I almost accidentally copied the link to the RockBand download of Do You Want To Date My Avatar – ha!  We know what I’ll be doing this weekend).

So it should surprise no one that I haven’t been blogging or tweeting as much seeing as how I have revisions to finish so that said ARCs can be produced.  Such silence will probably continue for a few more weeks.  Sorry!

Thanks again for all the interest in The Dark and Hollow Places — seriously, knowing that people are looking forward to the next book makes revising fun… or at least tolerable… or at least not quite so terrifying (actually, that’s not true either, knowing people are looking forward to it does make the revising a bit terrifying).  And thanks to the teen readers at the Terryberry Branch of the Hamilton Public Library and their librarian Pamela for a fantastic Skype session yesterday — what a great way to end the day!