My mom loves books. She also loves buying books (a trait she definitely passed on to me). In fact, one of our favorite things to do when I come into town is to head to a bookstore and browse. It used to be that she’d head off to her section (new releases and fiction) and I’d head off to mine (YA/teen). Even when I first sold my book she admitted that she felt a little hesitant and lost when she went to the YA section without me.
But then I bought her The Hunger Games. And I started sending her YA books once I was done with them. And more and more she’s been hanging out with me in the teen section, asking about the books, the authors, and the “behind the scenes” info. These days she alternates between adult and teen books, venturing into teen territory all on her own 🙂
Anyway, ever since I started writing my mom talked about how excited she would be to one day walk into a bookstore and buy my book. She never questioned that one day she’d be able to do this. Not once. And so when I sold my book and called her up to tell her the news the first thing I said to her was, “How is it going to feel to walk into a bookstore and buy your daughter’s book next year?”
I think her screams of joy were louder than mine had been 🙂 I really wish I’d been there when my book hit the shelves in my hometown, but my mother wouldn’t have missed it for the world. And thankfully she had someone there to take some pictures 🙂
So here’s my mom, on the day her youngest daughter’s debut hit the shelves. I think I’m the one who’s so proud to have such a fantastic mother 🙂 Thanks mom!

I had tears in my eyes reading this. What an awesome mother you have there – reminds me of my own and the way she’s been telling me to write a book even before I knew I wanted to. Go Moms!
It’s no wonder she’s believed in you and is proud of your work…its amazing! I just finished FHT this week and LOVED it. By far one of the best books I’ve ever read.
Great job on pulling another adult into the YA side. I still feel funny lurking in the teen section and I’m only 30 but I adore these books so much I can’t peel myself away.
My mom’s bee the same way. My mom was in an airport when I called to tell her my news. She screamed so loud she almost got escorted out. It’s still a year from debuting and she’s still telling every single person she meets. Moms rock that way.
Moms are greatest cheering section a writer can have.
I can’t wait to call your mom to tell her when I will have a book coming to a store near her!
What a brilliant post 🙂 Yey for your Mum!
Aw, yay for Mama Carrie 🙂
Carrie, what a great mom! I’m so glad she got to share this day with you!
Moms are the best, aren’t they? I held my breath when mine read what I’d written. But she liked it! Now I think I have an adult convert too.
I had tears in my eyes reading this, your mom is lovely.