This time last year I was typing up my resignation letter.  Okay, I was probably staring around my office a bit freaked out and a lot excited about the step I was about to take (and I was also probably cramming in as much CLE as I could to keep up my law license which I still have active).

Actually, I was freaking out about the pending trip to NYC to kick off my pre-publication tour.  Yep, I quit work on Friday and on Sunday I was in New York with my friend Diana Peterfreund (we must have hit like five bookstores that day) and going out to dinner with Justine Larbalestier and Scott Westerfeld.  That Monday I met my editor and publicist in person for the first time, did my first school visits, attended a meet and greet at Random House Children’s books where I met so many amazing people, grabbed a drink with my agent and editor, headed to an awe-inspiring dinner that was just so perfect in every way there’s no way I could ever describe it (and where thankfully I got through my speech without crying or hyperventilating) and then capped off the evening having drinks with my agent.  It was a divine whirlwind that exceeded every day dream I ever could have had.

Tomorrow I’m going up to New York again.  And what I love is that this time, my nerves are a lot lower (though still there!) and my excitement is through the roof!  I can’t wait to see everyone again and perhaps not be quite so overwhelmed and speechless (though really, I don’t see any way to walk into the RHCB’s offices and not be stunned).  This time I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to eat something during the meals we have planned (last time I was WAY too nervous to eat which is a shame because the dinner they planned had fantastic looking food!).

Squee!  I’m so excited!  And there’s nothing more fun than being able to be excited without freaking out 🙂  Now of course I just have to go pack 🙂

Once again, here are the details of my event up there, and there will be a signing afterward!  Can’t wait to see y’all there!!!

When: Thursday, October 15th at 7:00pm
Where: The Barnes & Noble at 86th and Lexington Ave
Who: Me, Scott Westerfeld, Michael Grant and James Dashner
What: a panel discussion about the growing “post-apocalyptic teen fiction” genre plus a signing