Hey Y’all!  First, look at the pretty I got in the mail yesterday!!!  It’s the cover flat for the UK hardback and an ARC of the Australia trade paperback.  Seriously, these are gorgeous in person.  The cover is matte black and the red leaf and title are glossy.  My name is embossed foil — it just all is such a beautiful combination.  I’m totally going to have to find a way to get more so I can give a few away!

I’ve also gotten the cover for The Dead-Tossed Waves and am totally in love.  It’s by the same artist as the first book – Jonathan Barkat – and you can totally tell that the two books are in the same series.  I can’t wait to actually see them next to each other!

So here’s my plan – I’m going to post the cover of The Dead-Tossed Waves here on Monday.  But I’ll also post it on Twitter and Facebook on Sunday.  So if you want a sneak preview of the cover, make sure to friend me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter:

Carrie Ryan's Facebook profile

This raises a question, and I know I must be about the millionth person to ask it.  But what do y’all think about Twitter?  I admit, it’s taken me a little while to get used to it but mostly because I haven’t mastered the ability to follow the back and forth @ conversations.  I feel like I usually just get one half of them which is way confusing.  And that makes me hesitant to reply to people cause it seems strange to force all y’all to read my replies and then it buries anything interesting I might have said (really, me say something interesting in 140 characters or less??)

I kind of wish Twitter had two columns… one with people’s actual messages and the other with their reply conversations.  Or if it were like IM where you could see both sides of the convo at once rather than having to click back and forth (seriously, how in the world do you follow conversations?).  But I also kind of figure that I’m probably just missing something – haha!

Anyway, one thing that I love about Twitter and facebook is being able to post random updates and photos.  I really dig TwitPic and will probably just continue with that.  But if there’s anything interesting y’all would like to see with Twitter and Facebook, let me know!!