Am I the only one that when I think of MTV and MTVNews I see the little typewriter wheel spinning across the screen stamping out each letter?  Boy that reminds me of hours upon hours of watching music videos growing up!  And… er… lots of reality TV now 🙂  So you can totally imagine what went through my head when I saw a google alert for The Forest of Hands and Teeth on the MTVNews website.

Well, a lot of things went through my head, and then I started holding my breath as I always do when I think I’m about to read a review.

And then I jumped up and down and ran around the house when I read Sabrina Rojas Weiss describe FHT as “a pretty freakin’ amazing, empowering and absolutely thrilling young-adult post-apocalyptic zombie love story.”

Squee!!  Empowering!!  You can read the entire review here!  So yeah, you can imagine how much of boost that gave me right in the throes of revisions!  Thanks MTV!!!!!  To make things even better, they’re apparently going to do another post this week or next asking for dream-casting for the movie!  I can’t wait to see what people come up with!!  I’ll post the link once it’s up!

I also promise to post more about The Dead-Tossed Waves, the companion to FHT, soon!