So I’ve been whingeing a lot in private recently. It’s pretty repetitive and goes something like this: “but what if they don’t like the whole book and it sucks and I suck and then I have to come up with another idea to write but I love the last one and I’ll never be able to do anything as good again, sigh, gasp, moan” and repeat. JP, bless his heart, has gotten used to it. And he tries to help, telling me the right things but in the end he’s a writer too and so he knows how I feel.

Because there’s not much I can do right now about the “what if they don’t like it” aspect of my whingeing, I’ve been focusing on the “what do I do now” part. I’ve been casting about for ideas, trying to find my place. I’ve posted before about how much I enjoy YA and I’m pretty sure that’s where I want to stay. But what I’ve had to face recently, which was quite a revelation for me, is that I’ve been writing speculative fiction. This excites JP to no end since he is also a spec fic writer and credits himself for my genre shift (he probably does deserve credit since my recent WIP is written in a world he created).

Let me tell you, though, writing spec fic opens up so many doors! When I was writing romance I at least had a basic premise: man and woman, get them together by the end. There are a gazillion ways to write that book, and it’s not as easy as I make it sound (and I don’t mean to make it sound easy). But at least there’s a starting point! I even wrote contemp romance which means it was set in the here and now. With spec fic it could be set anywhere, any time, no rules, all rules — it seems anything at all goes!!

For the past week I would mutter things like “vampires… done and not my thing… fairies… being done and by great authors… werewolves… I don’t have the passion for it… future space epic….” and on and on and on. Part of my problem is that I haven’t read enough in the genre to know what’s taboo (or done to death) and what’s not. Part of my problem is that I’m not sure how far to push the limits, how creative to get?

Then JP reminded me of a story idea I’d come up with about a year ago. Before WIP even (so maybe even two years ago…). It’s an idea based totally on a vision. And I love the vision. But that’s all I had for a while – that vision. And then JP and I started playing around with it. And then on Friday I had this total revelation (which I would share but it involves details of WIP which I’m not ready to share yet) and the new idea started to fall into place. I realized that I do want a hero and heroine, I love the tension of romance. I think I know the final scene (rare for me to know how it ends) and I’m not quite sure where it starts (though I may have a first line that’s been kicking around in my brain). I know the general sense of the plot, but it is going to take a LOT of work. I don’t think it will be like WIP where I just sit down and wonder “what shall I write about today?” and then have 2k pour out. I think this new one will take some structuring, some *gasp* plotting. Who knows if it will stick, if it will work. But I’m pretty darn excited about it. I think it’s pretty original (though how I’d know since I haven’t read widely in scec fic is beyond me). So I think I’ll kick the idea around as I put the finishing touches on WIP. I’ll poke at the plot, research, see what I come up with.

It’s just a relief to have something to play with. To realize that maybe I can come up with another story idea, another world.

What about y’all? How do you feel when it’s time to start on the next project? How do you formulate your ideas and develop them?