Ok, so it worked really well last time I posted my weekend goals so I’m going to do it again. Gives me some accountability.

First, I have contest entries to judge that are due today. I always do this, I read the entries as soon as I get them because I’m so excited. But then I realize I have tons of time to judge and so I put it off to the last day. So that should take a good chunk of Saturday to do.

Second, I want to write some real blog entries. I was getting some decent momentum and now nothin’. And I have lots to say. Even a book I really want to talk about. Yes, I did write them, but you don’t get to see them yet 🙂

Third, work on WIP. Yes, once again I’m in the middle of a big scene. Stuff is happening. I want to finish this scene and then clean up the last 10k and send it off to be critiqued. That last part (getting it cleaned up to send) would be a bonus to the weekend – my main writing goal is to add lots of words to my WIP.

The house is clean, the dog is worn out from doggie day care yesterday (yes, we have become those people) and I’m boycotting my blackberry so I can’t get dragged into work. So everything is set for a great and productive weekend.

Wish me luck!
sigh… for some reason I can’t even comment on my own blog. But Miri pointed out that I wasn’t quite clear in my post… when I said last 10k I meant the last 10k I wrote, not the last 10k of my WIP. I only wish I was that close to the end… sigh…