As I’ve said numerous times, one of the reasons I wanted to keep a blog was so that I could look back on my own process as it was happening. To a certain extent, I wish I’d posted more about writing The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Posted more about the process, my feelings, etc, so that I had a better record. But keeping a blog has been worth it not only for the friends I’ve met and the community I’ve become a part of, but also because of looking back on posts like this, a snippet of an email I’d sent to JP almost 1.5 years ago, half a year after I’d started writing seriously (again):

Dunno… I guess before it didn’t occur to me that I couldn’t do it – write and publish a novel. Now it occurs to me that I might not be able to. That maybe I’m one of those people who constantly dreams about it and thinks about it but never gets there…

You know, none of us ever knows what’s in our future. There are no guarantees. However, I am a very strong believer that if you keep writing, if you push through those doubts, that you’ll make it. Because there actually is one guarantee: if you quit writing, you will never have a chance at reaching your goals. There is one thing that all published writers have in common: they kept writing. Even when it was hard. Even when the doubts crowded in. Even when they were sure they’d never make it.

Happy writing, everyone!