A few days ago I posted a wrap-up of my 2010 and promised a look ahead to 2011.  I’ve meant to write a New Year’s goals post for several years ago and just… never get around to it.  But this year I have promised myself and I will prevail!!

Over the weekend I took the time to sit down and write out, month-by-month, my goals and deadlines and it’s looking fun (and a bit overwhelming)!  Lots of things I’m super excited about and several challenges that have me just on the edge of scared (which I feel is a great place to be).


I have two books coming out this year.  The first is the paperback of The Dead-Tossed Waves on February 8, 2011 and the second is The Dark and Hollow Places out on March 22, 2011.  I’m super excited about this book (and the very first review I found said that fans of the first two books would like this one so wohoo!)

I’ve gotten a few questions about this book and I thought I’d do a brief FAQ:

What is The Dark and Hollow Places about?

Here’s the back cover copy:

There are many things that Annah would like to forget: the look on her sister’s face when she and Elias left her behind in the Forest of Hands and Teeth, her first glimpse of the horde as they found their way to the Dark City, the sear of the barbed wire that would scar her for life. But most of all, Annah would like to forget the morning Elias left her for the Recruiters.

Annah’s world stopped that day and she’s been waiting for him to come home ever since. Without him, her life doesn’t feel much different from that of the dead that roam the wasted city around her. Then she meets Catcher and everything feels alive again.

Except, Catcher has his own secretsโ€”dark, terrifying truths that link him to a past Annah’s longed to forget, and to a future too deadly to consider. And now it’s up to Annahโ€”can she continue to live in a world drenched in the blood of the living? Or is death the only escape from the Return’s destruction? 

Is The Dark and Hollow Places the last book in a trilogy?

While the front cover calls it “a Forest of Hands and Teeth book,” this is the last book I have contracted in the Forest of Hands and Teeth world though I will have another short story set in that world (unrelated to the books, though) tentatively coming out in the fall.

How does The Dark and Hollow Places relate to the first two books?

The first book, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, is set generations after the Return (zombie apocalypse) and is told from the point of view of Mary.  The second book, The Dead-Tossed Waves, is set a generation after the end of the first and is told from the point of view of Gabry, Mary’s daughter.  The Dark and Hollow Places takes place just a few months after the end of the second and is told from the point of view of Annah.  Personally, I tend to think of the third book as more of a sequel to the second (i.e. books 2 and 3 are much more closely related than books 1 and 2 are).

Are there ARCs for The Dark and Hollow Places and how can I get one to review?

There are ARCs!  They’re gorgeous (perhaps I’m biased…).  However, I only got a few copies and I gave two of them to my sisters for Christmas (it’s dedicated to them and it was super special to have the chance to give it to them in person!) which leaves me with one (which I’ll hang on to for my collection).  So as of right now I don’t have any to send.  If you’re interested in reviewing one, please contact my wonderful publicists Meg and Jessica (info here under representation tab).

When is The Dark and Hollow Places coming out?

March 22, 2011.  I can’t wait!!

Any other quick questions?  Post them in comments and I’ll add them to the list!  Thanks!


I should have two short stories and two non-fiction essays coming out in 2011.  Because I haven’t found any official mention of this online from the publishers/editors I’m keeping it a bit quiet for now but will def post about it here and on my website when I have more news!

I’m also super excited about a few other short stories I’m writing that will hopefully be coming out in 2012!  I’ve really loved writing these short stories and I’m excited about branching out into new worlds with them! (It’s at this point in the post that I wonder if I’ve used the word “excited” way too many times…)


Nothing I can mention yet ๐Ÿ™‚  Lots of deadlines and things I’m really pumped about!


When I started writing full time I spent a lot of time online (which I loved).  I definitely felt more keyed into the online writing community.  Then, at the end of the year I looked back and wondered if perhaps I should have been writing more and I spent the next year (last year) focusing more on writing.  Which made me feel less a part of what was going on online.  I’m still trying really hard to find that balance but what I know for sure is that I wish I’d kept things more up to date in the past year.

So this year I’m striving for a better balance.  To that end I’m planning on a few changes.  First, I plan to blog more.  Second, I’m switching to a different Facebook page which is here (my goal is to shift everyone away from my personal page to that one).  Third, I’m keeping up with Twitter.  I just like Twitter a lot ๐Ÿ™‚  Those are generally the three places I can be found.  Unfortunately, while I think Goodreads is an awesome site, I tend to not visit just because I try to avoid reviews of my books.  And if you need to reach me for any kind of request (skype visits, etc) the best way to contact me is always through email — I just tend to forget about the mailboxes on other sites (like Facebook and Goodreads).


This Thursday I’m headed off to a writing retreat in San Diego and then am off to another writing retreat in Missouri in early February.  I hope to get tons accomplished though it’s always hard not to want to spend all day talking to everyone else and soaking in all their collective wisdom.  Then I’m touring in March/April (YAY!) and heading to TLA in April as well.  I can’t wait!  I hear such amazing things about TLA!!!


A few days before Christmas my step-father passed away.  This stunk for many many reasons, but one thing I realized is that the choices we make about our health during our life can have significant and lasting consequences.  So this year I really want to concentrate on creating a foundation of health that can last me for a long time.  My goal is to exercise more, give my body what it needs and be more mindful about what I eat.

So what are some of y’all’s goals or things you’re excited about in 2011?