It’s been the summer o’ anthologies for me!  First my short story about Sister Tabitha as a teen, Hare Moon, came out in Kiss Me Deadly, in a few weeks my short story set in Curacao (which explains where the term Mudo comes from) will be out in Zombies vs. Unicorns, and just a week ago another short story, Flotsam & Jetsam, came out in The Living Dead 2 anthology edited by John Joseph Adams! (for links to more information and how to purchase, click here).

Flotsam & Jetsam is about a group of teens who go on a senior cruise right when the zombie apocalypse happens (they clearly were unaware).  Infection breaks out on the ship, two boys escape into a life raft and one of them’s infected (cue dun-dun-dun music).  I really love this story — it’s the first time I’ve written from a male POV and wrote something actually in the range of short story length.

I can’t tell you how amazingly thrilled I am about this anthology and it’s been getting a lot of love out there — a starred review from PW and even Simon Pegg (of Shaun of the Dead fame) called the collection a “must for any self respecting zombie completist.”  It’s packed with stories (44!) that are a mixture of reprints and originals and the author list blows me away: Max Brooks, Robert Kirkman, David Wellington, Charie Priest, Jonathan Mayberry and Kelley Armstrong to name a few — there are so many wonderful authors!

Honestly, I’m still stunned I got to be a part of this anthology.  And not just be a part of it, but have my name on the cover.  I’m not lying, I cried when I saw it (I’ll blog more on that later).

John’s set up a fantastic website for the anthology here.  There are interviews with various authors (my interview is here) and even free stories (you can read Flotsam & Jetsam for free here).

Yes, that’s right — you can read my short story FOR FREE! Yay!

I hope y’all like the story and love the anthology as much as I do.  Being such a big zombie fan, I’m thrilled to have so much to sink my teeth into 🙂