For some reason, I’ve been much more aware of the end of the year this year. I know that sounds crazy, but I feel as if everyone I know is taking stock and making plans for the coming year. And of course I am too. I’m just too lazy to post about them yet. As usual (you’ll note my 2007 goals post was a bit late this year. Ahem).

2006 was the first year that I began to take writing seriously (again). And it was a pretty big year for me even though I didn’t have a ton to show for it. As I said in my 2006 round-up post, 2006 was the year that I made writing friends, re-learned about the market, got my feet wet all over again. I ended the year having written 171,701 words on at least 7 projects. It was the year I queried Dead Bodies and Debutantes (and go rejected).

It was the year I started writing The Forest of Hands and Teeth.

It was a building year. In 2007 I may have written less (prob about 90k words give or take). But boy have I accomplished a heck of a lot more. I signed with an agent. I sold a two book deal for more than I dreamed possible for a debut. But even more than that, I learned how to follow through, how to polish — I mean REALLY edit — my own work. I learned how to take criticism and work with CPs.

I gotta say, 2007 was a helluva year for me 🙂

It’s also the year I did a ton of substantial legal work for a pretty complicated trial. It’s the year I changed jobs, moving into a practice area that I’d always dreamed of working in (and for more money to boot!). The year we learned our dog had brain damage and learned how to deal with that (update on that coming soon — we found a new home for her!). JP made his first pro-sale and sold some other (amazing) stories as well. We took a trip to Belize, JP won a slew of his own cases (including one today). I became a Manuscript Maven and learned how to use livejournal.

I’m really looking forward to 2008. I still can’t believe it’s here already, but it should be full of interesting twists and turns. I really have to thank all of y’all for making my 2007 so special — it’s meant the world to me to have y’all to talk to every day (er… every week maybe?).

Soon I’ll start looking towards 2008 (it is the year I turn 30 after all… ahem…). But for tonight, I think I’ll continue to revel in what 2007 brought. JP is cooking up a storm in the kitchen for New Years Eve… I think I’ll go join him 🙂