I always wanted to be on a NYMBC poster!

Wow, so I really thought I’d have more free time to blog while on tour but apparently not!  Today is my last day and I’m beyond excited to be topping off the tour with a visit to Not Your Mother’s Book Club.  This is one of those things that I’ve watched so many authors do and I’ve always wanted to do it myself — I’m gobsmacked that I actually get to now!  Squee!

I have only a smidge of time before I have to run out the door to some stock signings.  The tour so far has been fantastic and after that little “there’s too much wind so no one can leave NYC” incident, the weather has been gorgeous.  I know it feels lame to blog about the weather of all things, but it’s made me want to move to each and every city I’ve visited so far.

Tomorrow I fly home and try to organize my life which I don’t think is going to be easy.  I have the blog to update with all sorts of amazing pictures and stories, I have taxes to complete, emails to return, interviews to complete, two short stories to copy-edit and a fiance to spend time with (not to mention two very ornery cats and dog).  Of course, JP is preparing for a big trial so who knows when I’ll actually see him, even if I am in the same city again 🙂

And now thinking about going home makes me very very sad that this is all coming to an end and a sad blogger isn’t a fun blogger so I think I’ll sign off now.  Thanks to everyone who’s come out to say hello and I can’t wait until tonight!!! YAY!!!!