So my fabulous web designer has sent the prelim design for my website and I love it! I love all her sites (which is one reason I begged her to take me on right after I sold even though she was booked solid), but still – I was so afraid to send her my thoughts when it came time to start the design because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to ever articulate what I like in a website and what I don’t like. Hence the delay in getting it done… me not pulling the trigger.

Anyways, all that aside, we’re getting closer! So now it’s time for me to write content! And what’s funny about this is that while I’ve been happily typing away on Book 2, ideas flowing wonderfully around me, when I sit down to write a FAQ page (notwithstanding the irony of never having been asked any questions much less frequently) I stare at a blank page… no ideas to be found.

So that’s where y’all come in! Do you have any questions for me? Even if you don’t, are there things you like to know about your authors in general? Questions that you love to see asked and answered? Ideas for what I can put on the FAQ?

Any other content ideas, throw em at me šŸ™‚ Thanks!!