This is cross-posted from my post on the Manuscript Mavens on Tues 🙂

A writing friend recently asked what my second book was about. Good question. Right now it’s a companion book to The Forest of Hands and Teeth, ostensibly it’s a sequel but we’ll still see if that label fits once it’s finished and turned in (incidentally, writing under contract does feel a lot like school, just with longer deadlines before you turn in your homework). As I pondered what more I could say about the book I started to wonder how much people really share about what they’re writing.

Early on, when the idea for FHT came to me, I didn’t say much about it on my blog. Maybe I didn’t want to jinx it, maybe I was following what other writers were doing, but not talking about what I was writing suddenly became my habit. For my previous projects (pre FHT) I had word meters up (which I then protested) and talked at least minimally about what I was writing. And then, at the other end of the spectrum you have authors who have daily updates not only about word count, but also about plot.

On the one hand, I’m a writer and I blog about writing. It seems silly not to talk about what I’m actually working on at any given moment. On the other hand, I don’t want to give too much information because I’m very anti-spoiler.

Plus, there’s another element at play. It’s hard to know how much I’m “supposed” to talk about. Not that there’s a blog mafia out there watching my every word, but you start to get advice that maybe you shouldn’t complain about writing, maybe you shouldn’t talk about the struggles or put up a word count meter that will not only show the added words, but also the deleted words.

Oh, and since I origninally wrote this I found an excellent post by Justine Larbalestier on the topic of word count meters.

So that’s the question I ask y’all. As blog readers, how much information do you want? What do you like to read about? As blog writers (or any kind of writer) how much do you share or think you should share?