So, you may have noticed that the blog looks a bit different, eh? Well, I did promise many months back that I would likely be ditching the chick-lit pink for something a touch more somber. I must admit, though, I loved that chick lit pink. Adored the way it brightened my day. And I would have kept it forever except… it was a huge jar when you linked over from my new website.

Yes, that’s right – NEW WEBSITE. Click Here. Seriously, can’t be too many links to my new website for Author of The Forest of Hands and Teeth.* Carrie Ryan. Her. That girl.

Of course, you eagle eyed viewers out there will recognize that the new website ( is really only a placeholder. And that’s very true. But it’s a wonderful placeholder — I LOVE it. It’s very moody and slick and beautiful. I can’t thank enough for it! So I felt the need to change my blog so that it wouldn’t be quite so jarring when you clicked over from the temp site. Oh, and I also updated my books read in 2008 list — I’m up to 6!

Let me know if anything is amiss with the new blog template — anything hard to read with colors and whatnot. And feel free to link to me (though the permanent page won’t really be up until Aprilish).

I wish I could tell you that I found time to redesign my blog because I’m in that brief honeymoon period between turning in edits for one book before turning to the next book. But no. I have one last read through of FHT this weekend. (goal #1). My other projects for the weekend include writing the dedication (I already had that one), the acknowledgements (ack!) and the bio (ack!). I have a feeling I’m going to be spending a lot of time thumbing through the books on my shelves to see how they acknowledged all the people that helped support them. Maybe this will even necessitate a trip to the bookstore!

I’d love to hear any words of wisdom y’all have about the bio, dedication and acknowledgements. Anything in particular you like to see? Hate to see? Curious minds want to know…

*take that google search engines!