As wonderful as 2008 was for me (and it was!), I’m also really really looking forward to 2009!  I still have that darn head cold I mentioned yesterday and that deadline still looms so I’m not going to get into posting my goals just yet… but some of the things I’m looking forward to in 2009 are seeing The Forest of Hands and Teeth come out, seeing the cover for the sequel, writing a third book and settling into the job of full time writer (and really seeing what I can do with more time!).  

I’ve met so many wonderful writing friends who also have debuts out in 2009 which will make the entire year just amazing and exciting.  My imprint buddy, Saundra Mitchell (whose book, Shadowed Summer I LOVE LOVE LOVE) even got her first review from Kirkus (which said “readers will appreciate the suspenseful plot and tragic story”) so the good news is already rolling in!

On the personal front, I’m also looking forward to a few trips that I have planned and perhaps — if we can ever get things organized and pulled together — actually getting married 🙂 
Here’s to a fabulous new year for everyone!  Cheers!!