There’s trick or treating over on the Debs blog!! Go check it out!!

As you can imagine, I love this time of year! JP and I pull out the decorations — Heckle and Jeckle our wisecracking bats. The ghost pirate. Marcus the carcus (he glows!). The bloody handprints, the lit up skeleton arms around tombstones (and of course we were growing that huge weed patch in the front flower bed for the ambiance of the graveyard look…). I’ve bought more candy than kids we could ever hope to expect. I have plans to clear a path through the swaths of mail blocking the front door and light a fire (not light the mail on fire, though that would certainly clean tings up a bit).

That it’s Friday makes it even better — JP will hopefully be home from work in time to help answer the door. We can stay up late watching Halloween appropriate movies. Plus, it’s just a gorgeous day here! That perfect crisp fall weather than makes you want to breathe deep and full.

This weekend I have big plans to set up my home office (let’s hope the motivation sustains me). If there’s one thing I’ve realized over the past week, it’s that I need to create some space specifically for work — a place I can walk into and switch on the “I’m working” mindset. I’m also looking forward to organizing so much stuff that’s scattered around the house… finding a spot to put business cards, chocolate bars, the huge blow up of my book cover (squee!).

And of course, with all the extra Halloween candy I expect to pretty much enjoy a lovely sugar high for the next few days… all hail Halloween (and zombies)!!