Today is debut author Sarah Cross‘s birthday — HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  It’s also the week her book, Dull Boy, comes out which is just way awesome.  I met Sarah through the 2009 Debutantes and let me tell you, she is just flat out one of the coolest people I know.  She’s also the funniest.  I swear, every email I get from her or blog post I read leaves me almost crying from laughter.  I wish more than anything I could be an iota as clever as she is.

So naturally, I was super curious to read her book, Dull Boy.  I never really read comics growing up (the book is a super hero origin story) and so I wasn’t sure how I’d like her book (or if I’d get it).  I got the ARC one evening when I was smack in the middle of deadline craziness and I started to read it.  And I couldn’t put it down.   I’m serious, I was going on basically no sleep and wanted nothing more than to drift off and this book kept me riveted.  Clearly, the bottom line is that I LOVE THIS BOOK!  And I really really want everyone out there to read it because there’s no way you won’t love it too — I can totally promise you that.  Just read her blog or check out her website to see how awesome this book and her characters and her voice is.

Don’t just listen to me!  Kirkus says that Dull Boy is “a funny teen-super-team origin story” and is a “good bet for all teen sections” and just today Publishers Weekly describes Dull Boy as engrossing and also says, “Like the best superhero stories, Cross’s novel has crisp action sequences and a good sense of humor, but also gets deep into the fears and struggles of teenagers who simply don’t fit in.”

So happy birthday Sarah Cross!!  And happy “it’s almost your book’s birthday” too!!