Really, for a long time I’ve been looking forward to writing my farewell to 2008 post.  This has been such a fantastic year for me!  So many milestones with my debut novel, The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  Plus I got engaged, got a new puppy, left my law job to write full time.  Honestly, I think that 2008 has been the chips. 

But unfortunately I have a head cold.  And a deadline.  And I have to tidy the house for potential game playing tonight.  So alas, I must beg for an extension on writing my 2008 wrap-up post!  I promise to get to it in January!
I will say one thing though… of the many things I’m proud of about 2008, one I’m most happy about is that I really did live in the moment during a lot of it.  I really enjoyed all the milestones and accomplishments and recognized how great things were going and how happy I’ve been.  I think that too often we don’t step back and realize how great things are and I’ve been trying to smell the roses a lot more.
How were y’all’s 2008?