This weekend I head to the mountains. Those of you who are regular readers will know that I love the mountains and that they’re a great place for writing. This time around, I think I’ll sit down with WIP and try to read it. First of all, I haven’t read this most recent version. Sure I’ve read the parts that I was revising before sending subs out to agents, but I’ve never really just sat down and read it like a reader. Second, a lot of the feedback I’ve been getting is from people who read the book in one sitting. So I’m curious to see what that experience is like. I’m sure I’ll find edits to make as I go through — I’m not sure I could ever read a book I wrote and not find something to change. But I want to try to not let that editing urge dominate 🙂

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’m constantly impressed by the other writers in this industry. Of course I hear the horror stories of back-stabbing authors, but I’ve never met one. In all of my dealings with other authors during my agent hunt, everyone has been amazingly helpful and honest. I had people just randomly emailing me to say that they heard I had an offer from their agent and was there anything they could do to help make my decision easier.

So I’ve met some fabulous people over the past month! Especially three fellow writers who are represented by my agent, Jim McCarthy: Mark Henry, Richelle Mead, and Michelle Rowen. Read their blogs, buy their books — these are awesome people!! I’ve been taking a peruse through Michelle’s archives on her blog and let me tell you: totally inspirational! Y’all know how much I love archives, how much I love the excitement of them. These rock!