Apparently there’s this ad going around asking people what their favorite Barbie memory is.  Naturally it got me thinking and my first thought was that I was allowed to watch WAY too many soap operas as a child.  My second thought is that it’s no wonder I grew up to be a writer!

To be fair, my sisters and I only watched soaps during the summer and, as far as I can remember, we would sneak into the kitchen and watch them with the babysitter.  One of my sisters would have to correct me, I can only vaguely remember summers spent with Patch and Kayla.
So, it should surprise no one that some of my Barbie memories are a little… er… odd and complex.  Let’s just say that I remember one time when Barbie and some Kens went camping (naturally in the Barbie dream motorhome which I think my mom still has down in her basement) and one of the Barbies was kidnapped and when she came back she had amnesia and was pregnant but no one knew who the father was.  
It probably never helped that one of our Barbies was the “kissing Barbie” where you could press a square in her back and she’d make kissy noises (when we needed a Barbie to move in on a married Ken, she was usually our go-to girl.)  Of course, she did lose most of her hair in some sort of tragic incident that probably also included amnesia…
Seriously, these were the stories we came up with.  And just to implicate her, my middle sister (older than I am) was totally involved in helping come up with these plot line.   
One year, as my Christmas present, my dad finished off the little attic under the eves to be my own private playroom.  It was a secret playroom that you could only get to through a secret door at the back of my closet (how cool is that!?).  And what was at the end of the room?  
It was a total Barbie paradise.  There was room for everyone, the Barbies without hair, their horses, the Kens, the Barbies with their ball gowns.  Oh… the ball gowns.  My mom would pick out the most exquisite gowns for them as Christmas presents.
So those are my Barbie memories off the top of my head.  I’m sure my sister remembers more of the juicy stuff.  Ah, good wholesome family fun 🙂