Hey y’all!  I’m super excited about an upcoming event I’m doing with Scott Westerfeld, Michael Grant and James Dasnher!  Here are the details (and here’s a link to the event page):

When: Thursday, October 15th at 7:00pm
Where: The Barnes & Noble at 86th and Lexington Ave
Who: Me, Scott Westerfelt, Michael Grant and James Dashner
What: a panel discussion about the growing “post-apocalyptic teen fiction” genre

I’ve heard rumors that this will be recorded and might even be streamed live so that could be awesome!  I’m assuming there will also be a signing afterward but will confirm that for sure in the next day or so.

I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this event!  Not only because I love all these authors  but also because I’m so excited to see what they have to say about writing in post-apocalyptic worlds.  Oh, and I’m also SUPER excited to be going to New York — so many people I’m hoping to run into!!!  So you all totally have to come!!