As Erica points out, I mentioned on the Manuscript Mavens blog (in a comment) that I equated querying with interviewing and that I’d written a post on point but just hadn’t actually posted said post. Well, you’re gonna have to wait until next week until I post it because I still have to put in links and whatnots and right now I’m on a strict deadline: leaving for a long weekend in the mountains in just a little bit. So I’ll be blog silent over the weekend (which, really, I guess isn’t that different from when I am here and just lazy…).

This weekend will be a writing retreat of sorts for JP and I — the mountains are always so inspiring! Although, since JP is hooked on Harry Potter, it might be a revision-input weekend for me and a reading weekend for him. Either way, utter relaxation!

So here are my submission question(s) (because we all know I love to sweat the details)… it’s about emailing query letters. I’m assuming you cut and paste the query letter into the email and, like a business email, you put all your contact info right after you ‘sign’ your name. Then I’m assuming you do something like write FIRST FIVE PAGES in all caps and paste those in and then do the same with the SYNOPSIS (I want to put the pages first, I think they’re my strength). I’m also assuming that you single space these things, but put in a double space (ie extra blank line) between paragraphs (for everything: query, pages, synopsis).

My first question: is that right? Am I supposed to format the email query differently? What do y’all do?

My second question: fear of gobblety-gook.* What I mean are, those weird symbols that show up in some emails where there should be a quotation mark or something else. How do I avoid this? Cut and paste from plain text? Convert the email to plain text? Don’t email from Outlook? My account is gmail – does that add/delete any strange stuff? I’m just nervous here because Miss Snark used to harp on this issue and I’m not sure how to avoid it.

My third question: If they ask for 5 pages, can I just flub and send 5 pages and a few lines? I mean, they won’t be able to tell… heck, what if those 5 pages cut off mid-sentence?**

My last question: anything else I should be thinking about with email submissions? Any tips, tricks of the trade, anything you can see that I’m missing? Did I just miss all those articles on the web directly on point?

I know, these are such minor things. And trust me, I really really am not one to overly sweat the small stuff (some sweating is appropriate). But the last thing I need/want is to get dinged for something stupid like sending an email with weird symbols if there was something simple I could have done to get rid of them.

Thanks for the help y’all! I can’t wait to hear y’all’s thoughts!

* Many of you may not know that “gobblety-gook” is actually a legal term such as “make sure that associate does not give you a memo filled with gobblety-gook”

** if that were the case I’d just finish the paragraph. But what about for snail mail submissions – do you just cut off mid-page when the guidelines say to send the first 5 pages? Or do you cut off the start of that dangling paragraph so there’s a clean ending?