First off, don’t forget to enter the contest from yesterday here.  All you have to do is post on that entry congratulating JP for becoming a finalist in Writers of the Future and you’re entered to win a short story collection that has one of this stories!

I have all sorts of bubbly things going on that I don’t know if I can talk about but rest assured, there’s been lots of me bouncing around.  I’m not sure anything will come out of the exciting things except that it’s sparked many a lovely day dream which is always nice.

JP and I were talking about this over dinner last night as he’s a big fan of the “don’t count any chickens until they hatch” philosophy.  And I totally agree with him — I’m not really counting chickens.  I’m just sort of playing with the eggs — holding them up to my ear, rattling them around a bit to see if anythings inside, etc.

I think some people are more like him — afraid somewhat of day dreaming about things for fear of them not happening and then what?  Me on the other hand — day dreaming is how I fall asleep at night.  It’s funny, I think the only down side to having my first book out is the inability to day dream about it any more.  For YEARS I spent my falling asleep time day dreaming about getting The Call.  I can’t even begin to tally up the different scenarios that I played out in my head.

Incidentally, the real thing was even better and I wonder if that’s one reason why I still allow myself to day dream — because I haven’t been let down by reality?  It’s funny, in my every day life I tend to be someone who can always point to the worst case scenario (which can be infuriating when you play against me in Risk but also made me a good attorney in some ways).  And yet when I close my eyes and daydream, it’s always about the best case scenario.

Maybe I’m just able to separate my day dreams from reality, or maybe it’s that I have a fundamental belief that things tend to work out in the end.  So even if my day dreams don’t come true, it’s not necessarily a bad thing — it’s just a different path.  Maybe I also separate my day dreaming from “wanting.”  Sure I’d love the things I day dream about to come true, and I do to some extent want them to come true, but there’s just not that NEED there.  Life will go on even if they don’t come true.

To me, it’s just about the day dream.  Something nice and fun to ponder while falling through the edge of sleep.  And who knows, maybe those years of day dreaming about getting the call pulled double duty as goal visualization.

What about y’all?  Do you day dream?  If so, what do you dream about?  If not, why?