Hey y’all!  I have lots of authors stopping by on the Debs Blog Tour in May!  First up is C. Lee McKenzie and her debut, Sliding on the Edge!

About the book: 
Shawna Stone is a heartbeat away from making the worst mistake anyone can. She’s close to taking her own life. Kay Stone is a grandmother Shawna has never known, and at sixty-four Kay feels there is little left in her life to look forward to. When they are thrown together they circle each other in a crucible of secrets and distrust until saving a doomed horse unites them and gives each a reason to live.
About the author:

A native Californian, C. Lee McKenzie has always been a writer, but to eat and make contributions to children’s college funds, she’s also been a university lecturer and administrator. Lee’s written and published non-fiction articles, both in her field of Linguistics and Inter-cultural Communication, and in general readership magazines. For five years Lee wrote, edited, and published a newsletter for U.S. university professors who were managing global classroom issues. Since she turned in her academic hat and began writing for young readers, Lee’s fiction and non-fiction works have been frequently published in the award-winning e-zine, Stories for Children, and Crow Toes Quarterly has published her ghostly tales. Sliding on the Edge is her first young adult novel. Writing for teen readers keeps Lee in touch with the young members of her family, and allows her to re-visit those wonderful years in life when everything is possible. When she isn’t writing, Lee’s hiking in the Santa Cruz Mountains in Los Gatos, California.

The Interview:

What’s been one of the most exciting moments in your journey to publication?

It has to be when the editor said she wanted to publish my book. That was huge and nothing’s really topped that. Seeing the ARC was next, especially with the super cover by Michael Morgenstern.

Is there anything you can’t write without?

That would be my morning coffee. I can write almost anytime, anywhere, with anything, but don’t tell me I can’t have java when I start.

When stuck on a story which do you choose: write make-out scene or explode something?

Definitely I explode something. I’ve blown up bank vaults, hoarded mounds of pirate “bling,” even cow patties. Very freeing this blowing up stuff.

Can you share a favorite line you’ve written either in this book or a WIP?

It’s my first line in Sliding that I really like. “Something’s wrong.” That’s how I felt when I began to write the book about self-abuse.

Finally: pro fast zombie or anti fast zombies?

Do they have a fast gear? I’m going with anti on this one, just in case I’m ever chased by one of them.