Hey Y’all!  It’s been a while and so I’m super excited to bring another guest in the Debs Blog Tour.  Today we’re talking about Neesha Meminger and her debut Shine, Coconut Moon.

About the book:

Samar–a.k.a. Sam–is an Indian-American teenager whose mom has kept her away from her old-fashioned family.  It’s never bothered Sam, who is busy with school, friends, and a demanding boyfriend.  But things change after 9/11.  A guy in a turban shows up at Sam’s house–and turns out to be her uncle.  He wants to reconcile the family and teach Sam about her Sikh heritage.  Sam is eager, but when boys attack her uncle, chanting “Go back home, Osama!,” Sam realizes she could be in danger–and also discovers how dangerous ignorance is.

About the author:

Neesha Meminger was born in India, grew up in Canada, and currently lives in New York City with her family. All of her writing explores the inner landscape of her characters, and how it merges or conflicts with the outer. She writes stories of women and girls defining themselves and shaping their own destinies within the confines of their day to day realities.

The Interview:

What’s been one of the most exciting moments in your journey to publication?

Definitely when my final copies came in the mail. I cried.

Is there anything you can’t write without?

Solitude. I don’t have to be alone, but I need to be uninterrupted, with no distractions (people-distractions, I mean. Music, coffee shops, parks, etc. are all okay :]).

When stuck on a story which do you choose: write make-out scene or explode something?

I’m going to say explode something, though usually that’s in the form of a family argument or an emotional explosion.

Can you share a favorite line you’ve written either in this book or a WIP?

“But something about being in a room with so many people, so many generations that you belong to and who accept you without question as one of theirs, leaves me feeling like a hand is squeezing my heart, making it just a little harder to breathe.” — SHINE, COCONUT MOON.

Finally: pro fast zombie or anti fast zombies?

Hmm, I have very little knowledges of the zombies, but I’m going to say anti fast zombies :D.

Thanks Neesha!!!  Congrats on your debut!!