in Charlotte Thurs!

I’m so bummed I’m leaving town on Thursday and won’t be around to go see Darren Shan at Park Road Books (even details here)!  Most of y’all probably know him for the Cirque du Freak books and I think he’ll be signing those in addition to his latest project, a sequel to Cirque du Freak, The Saga of Larten Crepsley: Birth of a Killer.

Where will I be on Thursday?  On my way to Orlando for NCTE and ALAN which I’m super crazy excited about!  It’s my first time at either event and I’m trying not to be nervous as I go over my presentation.  I think one of the things I’m most excited about is geeking out with fellow book lovers — there’s really nothing more fun than that!

If you’re also headed to NCTE or ALAN, come say hi!  Here’s my schedule:

Friday @ 2:30 in the Coronado/Durango Room 2: Why “Ain’t” and “Gotta” Gotta be in Todays’ Books for Kids and Teens with Erin Dionne, Cheryl Herbsman, Cynthea Liu, Kurtis Scaletta and C. Lee McKenzie who just posted a fabulous blog about what the panel is about here.  I’ll be talking about how I created the language I use in my world and what considerations went into formulating the words my characters would use (Unconsecrated, Mudo, Breaker, etc) and how I hope that influences the reader experience.

Friday @ 5:00 I’ll be autographing at the Random House Children’s Booth in Coronado Veracruz Exhibit Hall, Booth #733.

Tuesday @ 1:55 in Coronado Ballroom H: ALAN Workshop: Finding Mystery in Strange Company with panelists Holly Black and Marlene Perez.