Bahahaa, that’s great! Adorable, in a Darth Vader-y way. Sorta reminds me of…me. I don’t have any older brothers, but my cousin and I were weird like that when we were kids.
(Oh, and my mom and I just finished reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I won the signed copy from Beth over at Writing it Out. We both loved it!)
Bahahaa, that’s great! Adorable, in a Darth Vader-y way.
Sorta reminds me of…me. I don’t have any older brothers, but my cousin and I were weird like that when we were kids.
(Oh, and my mom and I just finished reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I won the signed copy from Beth over at Writing it Out. We both loved it!)
Don’t you love the pink and green prissy monogrammed tshirt, miniskirt and pink sandals? That’s my favorite part. Southern priss meets sith lord.
LOL Jenna – I think every kid goes through a darth vader stage!
Chris – I think southern priss = sith lord (don’t you remember deb season??)
Ahahahaha, that’s a girl to grow up to FEAR!
That’s super cute.
Just so you know, it didn’t cross post to your LJ.