Hurray! I just saw that the listing for The Dark and Hollow Places is up on Amazon – squee! It lists the release date as March 22, 2011 – also big yay! No cover yet, though — it’s not final and as soon as it is and I get permission to post it I’ll be shouting from the rooftops However, the flap copy describing the book on Amazon (and elsewhere) is wrong so here’s the official description of the book:
There are many things that Annah would like to forget: the look on her sister’s face when she and Elias left her behind in the Forest of Hands and Teeth, her first glimpse of the horde as they found their way to the Dark City, the sear of the barbed wire that would scar her for life. But most of all, Annah would like to forget the morning Elias left her for the Recruiters.
Annah’s world stopped that day and she’s been waiting for him to come home ever since. Without him, her life doesn’t feel much different from that of the dead that roam the wasted city around her. Then she meets Catcher and everything feels alive again.
Except, Catcher has his own secrets—dark, terrifying truths that link him to a past Annah’s longed to forget, and to a future too deadly to consider. And now it’s up to Annah—can she continue to live in a world drenched in the blood of the living? Or is death the only escape from the Return’s destruction?
Very exciting! I tend to think of The Dark and Hollow Places as more of a sequel to The Dead-Tossed Waves than a companion. I know there’s been confusion before about why DTW is called a companion and I’ll post more on that decision later this week. It’s not really a huge distinction and it was more for clarification and to establish expectations than anything else.
But for those of you who have emailed, wondering if we get to know what happens to the characters from the end of The Dead-Tossed Waves — yes
Sounds amazing Carrie!
So, um you're headed back in time to release the book? Back to last March? ^_~
*happy dances*
Soooo excited!!!
Pre-ordering NOW!
AHAHA Kalayna – excellent point! Thanks for catching that (I keep doing that all the time!). Also, I owe you an email
THanks Tessa and so happy you're excited Jesstx!!
Oh, man. I really have to wait until March for this?! I can't wait; it sounds amazing.
Looking forward to the cover!
The first sentence tripped me up here, though…
"Annah would like to forget: the look on her sister's face when she and Elias left her behind"
could be read as either "when she and Elias left Annah behind" or "when Annah and Elias left her behind". I only figured out I'd been wrong because of the Amazon text!
I just got real excited while reading the summary! I've actually seen a cover for The Dark and Hollow Places, and I don't know if it was the real one but it was gorgeous!
You'll be coming down here for a book tour…riiiiight?
Marked it on Outlook & pre-ordered it today! In a world of instant gratification, the book industry sure knows how to put us in our place, teaching us all over again such a simple and painful thing "patience". *sigh*
Thanks to everyone for pre-ordering! That fills me with much squee and much determination and fortitude on these revisions!
Niki – I agree about the confusion. I brought that up but the copy-editor okayed it and she always knows much much more than I do about sentence structure. But yeah, it's Elias and Annah leaving Annah's sister behind.
I'm so excited to have a date to look forward to!!! I absolutely loved TDTW, and have been thinking almost every week about what will happen in Book 3. :o)
I'm so excited. I'm a huge fan of both The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Dead Tossed Waves. I've been recommending them to everyone and I can't wait to see where you take us next!
Curse me for always starting series before all the books are out. Seriously, what will I read to occupy myself until this book comes out? What?!! Anywho, thanks for the awesomeness thus far, Carrie!
Awesome. I plan to read TDTW in the next couple weeks. It's been hectic. I have two other books to read for friends.
And you owe me like two e-mails.
Does a little happy dance, Carrie i can not tell you how much of a fn i am and how much i can not wait for The Dark and Hollow Places I really need some cover love too though
I'm so glad you have chosen to make this a sequel, I was left hanging so terribly in the dead tossed waves I really feel I need closure. Such a vivid and graphic book, well done, I love them all.
Yay! So happy for this. I, too, am glad I get to find out what happens to Gabry and everyone else. But love that you're telling this from Annah's POV. Woohoo!
omg!!! i really loved THE DEAD TOSSED WAVES!!! its my top fav. book ever!!!
its meh again and i realllly cant wait for THE DARK AND HOLLOW PLACES!!!
Cant wait for book to come out
I am just therefore enthusiastic to get a date to take a look toward!!! My partner and i completely loved TDTW, and have been thinking nearly every few days about what could happen within Publication
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