Hey Y’all!  First of all, a huge thanks to everyone who friended me on Facebook and Twitter!  And an even bigger thanks for all of the love you showed my new cover yesterday 🙂

Second, I just saw that The Forest of Hands and Teeth was reviewed by the Cleveland Plain Dealer who says “The Forest of Hands and Teeth will give you a sleepless night – either from staying up to finish the book or lying awake listening for a scratch at the door.”  Sweet!

Third, don’t forget that I’m still in the middle of a blog tour!  I’ve listed all my stops in the sidebar of my blog here if you want to read all the different interviews!

Fourth, thanks for all your comments to my last post about Twitter!  I can’t wait to try some of the apps y’all suggested.

And finally, I am so super excited to share with y’all the cover to my second book!  I totally love it!  What do y’all think (you can click on it to make it larger)?

The Dead-Tossed Waves will be coming out Spring 2010.