Hey Y’all!! I’m so ecstatic to finally be able to introduce you to my protagonist, Mary:

I couldn’t be more excited about this cover — I love the Forest in the background, I love the way her hair is blown out behind her, I love her expression, I love the font (rumor is both my name and the title will be glossy) and I love the colors. I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting a person, and especially not a face, on my cover — first, there just haven’t been heads on YA covers recently and second, I don’t describe Mary that much (and I don’t think I ever describe her clothes which is another reason I’m uber impressed with this cover). So when I first opened the email I was like “Oh!” and then I was like “Oooooohhhhhh!!!!!” I just don’t think they could have done a better job on this cover — I’m totally in love 🙂

And yes, I’ve totally been staring at this cover all the time. I have a print out hung next to my desk at work and one propped on my bookcase (my future inlaws actually glued my cover to another book so that it looks like a real book and my dad had it framed!).
So, what do y’all think!?