I loved my rooms in college, I loved that they were mine (I always had singles) and that I didn’t have to pack to go anywhere mid-week (I went back and forth between my parents’ houses growing up).  I loved setting everything up, giving everything a home, and then living any way I wanted.  And then at the end of every year, I cleaned it all out, packed it up, and got to do it all over again the next year.

I’ve learned over the years that I tend to not like to throw things away.  Some things with sentimental value I understand keeping (and I finally bought a box to stash them in).  But other things… like the bear I got for free when I signed up for an airline miles card.  I just can’t throw away a stuffed animal, don’t have it in me.  I guess I can toss it to the dog to take care of… And then there are the tins that special edition video games came in.  I guess I can store stuff in them.  There’s the basket for a plant… I could get a plant for it.  And a spray bottle from when we were training our last dog.  And a random red triangle paperweight thingy that I think might be JP’s (and thus I must ask him before tossing it).

But see how it then happens that the clutter remains?  If I can find any reason to use something or want to refer to something in the next few years I’ll keep it.  And then of course if I need it, I’ll either forget I have it or can’t find it and have to buy a new one.  And it all piles up.  Baskets of cords and chargers, old magazines, a million short story magazines.

When I was in college, my favorite procrastination technique was to clean my room.  I was never more organized and put together then when I had a paper due.  Over the years, however, I’ve found other procrastination techniques… like the internet, chatting, television.

I’ve definitely one of those people who starts to feel it when the house is in disarray.  I may not realize how much it impacts me, but slowly over time I just realize that I feel a little antsy, a little out of sorts, a little off.  And then I realize that it’s because there’s clutter everywhere.

But not anymore!  Now that I have three deadlines May 1, I figure it’s an excellent time for some hard core procrastination.  I thought about posting updated pics on Twitter … and if y’all promise not to judge the state of my “pre-cleaned and pre-organized” house then I will.  Maybe that will give me more accountability 🙂

So are any of y’all of the pack-rat variety?  What do you find yourself keeping?  How do you get over it and throw it away?  Any tips??